Tonight I had birthday celebration #3 at my Granny's and Papa's house!
Granny made my favorites......
Pineapple Chicken, Green Beans, and a whole bunch of other stuff! |
She also made my favorite cake: Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake! |
Papa was trying to steal my cake.....
He failed...
It was delicious as always :) |
Thank you Aunt Gina for giving me all kinds of cooking goodies! I can't wait to cook some of those cookies in my new apron... with my pig utensils :)
Birthday #3 was a major success.... I loved chatting with Papa, Granny, my Mom, Dad, Haley, Aunt Gina, Uncle Darin, Uncle Bill, Dana, Sara, and Camp!
Uncle Darin showed up late, so we thought it would be funny if we hid the cake! Well, between Granny's bad lying and my bad acting it was not as funny as we had planned. I think Uncle Darin really was hyperventilating when he walked in and saw an empty plate, but he just didn't want to admit it. ;)
Rule #26: Never get in the way of an Upshaw and their dessert!!
We will do some kung fu on ya....
Today I also got my hair cut.... |
I am so boring. I always just get a trim, but I love having long hair... especially during the summer!
Question of the Day: Do you do drastic changes when you go in to get your hair cut, or do you stick with the same style every time?
The weekend is near, which is bad news for once!! It means my spring break is almost over :( I am not ready to go back to studying....
Dear Tara, Looks like b day celebration number 3 was a success!! Grannys chicken looks really good! U forgot the lovely pic of my fav green beans Missy! The cake def looks delicious like always! Lovin the new apron... U be styling! I have heard of that cookie cook book before it has a lot of good recipes! Haha poor uncle darin...But def true never get in the way of an Upshaw and their dessert haha. Your hair looks cute! Looks like u got more layers this time... So u aren't so boring! :-) I basically get the same hair cut everytime I go... Other than my recent drastic cut of getting bangs! I like keeping my hair long and with layers though! I did get it chopped in 8 th grade... Never again never again!! Hair should always be long enough to go into a pony tail ha!
ReplyDeleteBrooke: I am sorry I didn't get it... I was taking too many pics of food ha. The cake was great, she did a good job! I can't wait to cook in my new apron :) Well I think she did do a few more layers, but I did not ask for that!! It might just be how she styled it... I will see what it looks like today after I shower! bahahahha I am picturing your 8th grade haircut..... not a good look!! However, granny and mommy loved it!
ReplyDeleteLast night was so much fun! loved sharing roommate stories with yah :P
ReplyDeleteWhen I get my hair cut... it normally is about the same cut... it just looks drastic because i let it grow out for too long. And its short so any cut i do is noticeable. As for my color i did yesterday... That was so spur of the moment haha
Dana: haha yah I might do something crazy too if it was FREE ;) But, I love your hair! I can't wait for this summer when we can cook together!!!