
Friday, March 18, 2011


Everyone needs some inspiration once in awhile....

Tonight I watched The Secretariat with my Granny and Papa. 

Some of my favorite quotes from it were:

"This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run."

"It's not whether they think we won. It's whether we think we won."

"Let him run his race." 

-- The last one is one of my favorites because my mom always tells me to, "Run my race" during my cross country and track races. I can always hear her say this even when she is surrounded by tons of yelling people.
I would definitely recommend this movie to all runners for sure, but also to people who just need something that will remind them that anything is possible if you set your mind to it! :)

I had my first Luna bar ever the other day! I was shopping with my mom in Luke's Locker, and I was starving. I will let you in on a little secret... I get in a veryy bad mood when I get hungry, so I bought this! It was very good, and now I want to try some other flavors.

Question of the Day: Have you ever had a Luna Bar? If so what is your favorite flavor?


  1. Lemon!! But I think I might have only ever tried the lemon flavor!!

  2. Dear Tara, I keep hearing that movie is really good...I never wanted to watch it bc I thought it would be boring but perhaps I should! I LOVE when mommy would yell that at us! And so true she would be surrounded by tons of other loud cheering people but I always was still able to hear her say those words! And they always were so helpful... Idk how she even came up with that ha! She needs us there at her race next weekend to tell her the same thing! Haha that ain't no secret to me... I know your grumpy hungry mood oh too well! You need to try more flavors! I saw in one of my mags that there is a new cookie dough one...I want to try it! I have only had toasted nuts n cranberry, cookies n cream, iced oatmeal raisin, and lemon zest! Lemon zest is my favorite! I never would of thought I would have liked the lemon one but I tried it once and thought it was really good and have had it quite a bit! Mitch really likes the lemon one too! Something about it is just really refreshing! I know they have a pb cookie flavor u prob would Love that one! Another reason Austin needs a TJ they sell luna bars for a cheaper price than anywhere else!

  3. Dear Tara again, I just looked it up and the new flavor is called chocolate chunk. It's supposed to be like a chocolate chip cookie with dark chocolate chunks... Aka I will LOVE it... I gotta try it when I get back!

  4. Judy: I have heard so many people say lemon was their favorite... I don't like lemon stuff so I don't think I would like it, but I kinda want to try it just because everyone else likes it ha.

    Brooke: Yah you should watch it, its not like my fav. movie or anything.. it was alittle slow but still pretty good! I know mommy does, I wish we could both be there!! You like lemon too?? I guess ill try it... that new one sounds good too!

  5. RUN YOUR RACE was my favorite line for sure! It was quick and easy to yell! And it worked--both of you knew what I meant. I'm not sure I have a race strategy yet so might not work for me! HAHA I have come to think I like almost all bars--anything for a change!And the movie is great--all should watch it!

  6. Luna bars are pretty good... I think my favorite is actually the smores!

  7. Mommy: You don't need a plan... sometimes its better if you just RUN!! :) I wish i could be there.... your favorite bar better be honey graham zbars haha

    Dana: I liked smores too! So hopefully I will like others too!!


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