
Monday, February 28, 2011

I am grateful for so many things!

Dear Matt, today you were a cleaning machine, this makes me so happy! I am glad you are finally picking up on my obsession of cleanliness. Dear Brooke, thanks for making me totally jealous today. I want to have five desserts too... chocolate gelato and a chocolate pear from Italy sound delish! I hope you got warm eventually. Do they not have hair dryers there that you can use to keep warm ;) Dear Mommy, thank you so much for always being there for me! Today when you said you will always have my back and support whatever decision I make, it made my day! Only ten more days until you have your shadow home with you... I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!
**Advice for all my readers: Make a list of things that you are grateful for!
Last night I started a word document and titled it "I am grateful for:" and my goal is to write one thing I am grateful for every single night! You should do this too, it takes about 30 seconds and it really is a great way to end your day :) 

Tonight for a healthy snack I had a bowl of cereal. I absolutely love cereal, and sometimes I like to mix a whole bunch of kinds in one bowl and eat it dry! Some of my favorites are oatmeal squares, cracklin oatbran, chocolate mini wheats, honey nut cheerios, and life! But, tonight I tried to keep it healthy and mixed Kashi Heart to Heart and Cascadian Farms Granola together with milk for some extra protein and calcium :)   
 **Question of the day: What is your favorite kind of cereal?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Camping Trip!

Dear Matt, camping with you at Gibbon's Creek was AMAZING, HILARIOUS, and FUN! I can not imagine a better way to spend my weekend! I loved showing off my camping skills to you, and now I am officially prepared for Survivor... except for the fact that they don't serve hotdogs and smores on the deserted island.... this may be an issue ;) Anyways, I can't wait for our next camping trip.... next stop is somewhere in Austin!! Dear Brooke, thanks for the text today! I love hearing what you and Mitch are up to. Sounds like y'all are eating some amazing food and had a great hike on Cinque Trail. I am so excited to see the pictures when y'all get home. P.S We are even on the same wavelength when you are half way across the world... we were both hiking and spending time outdoors yesterday! Dear Mommy, I am glad your surprise visit to North Caroline was a success! I wish I could of gone with you... make sure and tell everyone I say Hi! P.S Bring Emerson to me ;)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Question of the Day: What do you like to put on your hot dogs, if you even like them?
Matt had very little faith in me when I said that I could put up the tent by myself.... Don't worry I proved him wrong!
We used sticks to cook our Hot Dogs. It worked really well. I tried not to think about how many bugs and animals pooped on that stick hah. In the corner is Matt's chili can.... we just heated it up with the fire!
Matt and his chili dog!! I stuck with my usual... hot dog with ketchup. They were probably some of the best hot dogs I have ever had! It must of been that extra dirt???
F.Y.I We bought organic hot dogs... never knew there was such thing until this weekend!
I love him... almost as much as I love smores ;)
I made the original smores with hershey's milk chocolate and my off brand graham crackers, but then I started to experiment. I used Ghirardelli Milk & Peanut Butter squares that my dad gave me for Valentine's Day, and they turned out heavenly!! I will never eat a smore again without Peanut Butter in it!
Sitting by the fire!
Admiring the fire that Matt started! He did a good job :)
I love hot dogs!
We had a great spot, and it was amazing looking up and seeing all the stars at night!
It was so peaceful out there, except for some wild hogs, raccoons, coyotes and other loud animals.....  But, our first camping trip was definitely a success!! :)
**See facebook for more pictures! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Improvements to my blog!

 Dear Matt, tonight you tried to send me bad vibes through your thoughts and weird hand motions..... RUDE! Just because I wouldn't tell you the answers for our online class does not give you permission to do this. (It was actually really funny, and it proved that I am smarter than him.) Dear Brooke, I hope you have a blast in Italy! I will miss my novel facebook posts from you, and all of your blog comments! P.S Take lots of pictures :) Dear Aunt Gina, I know your birthday has been sub par until now!! Getting mentioned on my blog has to be the best birthday present ever... right?? Just Kidding. But, I hope you had a fantastic birthday, and ate some yummy cake! P.S Remember when I used to come over and watch Trading Spaces episodes with you? Lets do that again, but lets pick a better show than Trading Spaces... does it even come on anymore? I was obsessed with that show and Clean Sweep at one time! Dear Oatmeal, I woke up this morning so excited to have you! I was forced to buy you because my usual kind was MIA, but I thought you looked amazing so I wasn't too upset. Anyways, turns out you are far from amazing.... lets just say I wanted to throw you away right after you touched my lips! I forced myself to eat it because I didn't have time to make anything else, but I will never buy you again!
It's the weekend... woohoo
Question of the day: What do you eat for breakfast?
P.S I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, and I have discovered all the big time blogs are all about food! I must admit even I love looking at the food blogs with the yummy looking pictures more than the blogs that are just filled with words! So, I have decided to include a picture of some kind of food everyday. I hope y'all enjoy this!! :)
Also, another new feature to my blog is the poll question at the top left hand corner of my blog! Make sure you submit your answer, and I will try to change the question every few days!

Maple Streusel Muffin Oatmeal. Sounds delicious right?... WRONG! Never buy this!

Tonight for dessert I had a Selma Cookie! I had these for the first time in Disney World, and it was love at first bite! Matt's parents ordered me a dozen brownies and a dozen cookies for Christmas! I freeze them, and then pull one out a few hours before I want to eat one. Check out their website for all the different kinds they have, and order yourself some. They won't disappoint you I promise!

YUMMY!! I should of heated it up more, but mmhmm you just can't beat peanut butter and chocolate all in one cookie!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Procrastination at its finest

Dear Matt, I am still laughing at myself for what I did in the grocery store while we were looking for our bratwurst! I shouted,"These aren't good ones they are supposed to be fat.... they are supposed to be fat.... Matt, they are supposed to be fat." I then turned around, and received an evil glare from a lady who couldn't get past me to get her sausage because I was so distraught that HEB had no regular fat brats. They were all white, and looked like old hot dogs... Ewww. Anyways, glad we decided on the regular not old hot dogs and the cheap HEB brand graham crackers for our smores! P.S This is our reminder to go by McDonald's and pick up some ketchup packets. Gotta love the life of a poor college student.... hah. Dear Brooke, today I received a text from an unknown number. Guess who it was...... YOU!! You made my day at 8 A.M, and you are officially saved as Cookie in my address book ;) Dear Geography test, I guess I will actually start studying for you. I have read several blogs, facebook stalked, cut my finger nails, made a camping check list, and laid out my clothes for tomorrow. I am officially out of procrastinating ideas. Note to self: When I become a teacher never give tests on Fridays, actually just don't give tests at all!!
I am so ready for that break that comes during the spring.... 
Question of the day: Do you buy off brands of food, or stick with the popular name brand items?
The name brand items with the familiar pictures suck me in all the time... I feel like the cheap stuff might taste bad! But, tonight I just couldn't pass up the $1.10 graham crackers! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with food....

Dear Matt, I hate to tell you this, but you are going to have to find some new entertainment once the girl scout cookies are gone! But, I must admit you are looking pretty cute.... it's probably just the thin mints though ;) Dear Brooke, today I got an email from Skype. They told me that there is now a 3-way video skype option! You, Mommy, and I will be testing this out when you return from Italy for sure! P.S Nutela is very popular in Italy... please eat a dessert made with Nutela for me. Dear Camping Trip, you have to be delayed one day because Matt has orientation for his new job!! Thank goodness I have pretty much nothing all weekend, so Saturday and Sunday will still work for me :) If this trip got canceled I would be one unhappy camper! Dear Kanye, I am really liking your song All of the Lights. I pulled a Haley today, and put you on repeat for about 30 minutes!
Time to watch the best show ever, Parenthood... Peace!
**Question of the day: What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout Cookie?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You're looking SASSY!

Dear Matt, tonight you tickled me so hard that I screamed bloody murder! Then you told me that people used to tickle people to torture them.... Pretty sure you were lying, but boy did it feel like torture!!! Dear Brooke, I hope the lady who cuts your hair today doesn't tell you that you look "sassy"! Every time I hear that word I still shed a tear for that poor fat dog! JK Dear Mummy Sleeping Bags, we got you in the mail yesterday, and I am super pumped to use you in 3 DAYS! They can keep someone alive and warm in 20 degree temperatures... thank goodness we have them for the 80 degree weather on Friday pshh. Oh well, my philosophy is better hot than cold. 
Hope everyone is staying stress free..... 
**Question of the day: Have you ever been tickled so hard it hurt?
I told Matt that I didn't need a sleeping bag, I gotta practice for Survivor ;) But after I got in I decided it was pretty dang comfy!
Matt wanted to sleep in it! 
This was my dog Sassy pushing me into the flowers! One reason why I hate dogs! Anyways, poor Sassy ate a poisonous mushroom, and we found him dead on our back porch. My mom thought she would cheer us all up and take us to get our hair cut. So, we went and when the lady was done cutting my hair she said, "Boy you are looking SASSY". I burst into tears right after she said it... poor lady had no idea that our dogs name was SASSY!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The walk that changed my life....

Dear Readers,
    Today has been one of those days that I will remember for the rest of my life. I had some amazing things happen to me, and I just wanted to share with y'all my new outlook on life.
     While I was on my walk jammin' to some of Haley's tunes I had put on my ipod, I started to do some real deep thinking and began reevaluating my life. I am typically a very happy person, but lately almost every day I have been feeling either stressed, angry, or cranky. So, today I made a promise to myself that I would no longer live my life that way, every day is way to precious to waste being in a bad mood. I had tears coming down my face as I walked, but they were not tears of sorrow they were tears of joy. I knew that today marked the day that I would change my life around, and begin seeing things in a different light.
     I will be the first one to say that I have a lot of issues, but admitting to your faults is the first step as they say. I worry and stress entirely to much about running, school, and what I eat just to name a few. When something wouldn't go my way or I didn't make a certain grade on a test, my day or even week would be ruined by this one minor mishap. My mood would then affect how I treated others or even how I viewed myself, and this was not a positive or fun way to live at all.
   Today on my walk it was like my whole world did a full 360. Everything made sense, and I realized what I had been doing for a majority of my life was making me unhappy in some sense. I realized that making it to Nationals, winning some award, or having the best clothes were not the things that defined me. Those things were simply icing on the cake. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for all of my accomplishments, but these "things" are not what make a person happy at the end of the day. I am the happiest when I am doing things for others, spending time with my family, or simply making it through the day without any complaining.
     I have realized that my mind is a very powerful thing. If I tell my mind that I am angry, then every little thing is going to make me angry. With that being said it seems very simple, tell my mind I am happy, and then I will be happy. Okay so it's not that simple, but I now know the first step and the second step is to actually believe it! This can be hard at times, but I strongly believe that if I do this my life will be filled of joy and happiness. Now, that being said I might slip up sometimes....I wish one walk and reevaluation of my life was all it took to be this amazing person, but I made a promise to myself to work on this every single day!
     I suggest all of you "go on a walk" and look for areas in your life that you can make better. That being said I hope you don't read this and think that you never have to study for a test, start eating poptarts everyday, and quit your job because those are things that will make you happy. You still have to use wisdom which is an important quality to have. All in all don't dwell on the small things, and try to do as many things as possible that bring happiness into your life and to others around you!
      So go on, put your shoes on and get walking.... I promise you won't regret it :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To do lists:

Dear Matt, yesterday your exact words to me were, "I love when you are asleep". I am still not sure if this is a compliment or not? But, if you are trying to tell me you love when I am not bugging you or talking to you then shame on you ;) P.S Tonight was a major success... they let me order the kids steak at Outback! Thanks again Daddy for the gift cardDear Brooke, today I walked by the donut section in HEB not once but TWICE!!! Thanks a lot for making me crave donuts. I also saw that HEB now has sanitary wipes for the carts.... I totally got one! Dear To do List, I marked off everything on you, except for studying for my geography test... Whoops! Oh well, today was a filled day full of errands, cleaning, and homework. P.S I sometimes write things down on my list that I have already done just to cross them off.... it's completely normal! 
Tomorrow starts another week of school, or another day closer to Spring Break :)
** Question of the day: Are you a list person, or do you like to wing it? 
I love my planner!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dear Matt, somehow you can always make me crack up at the weird things that you do. Please never, ever lose that quality... I love it! Dear Brooke, tonight I felt like Brick from The Middle... most awkward night EVER! Wish you could of been there to spice up the conversation! Dear Weather, please never change.. you are perfect! I had an amazing walk outside today, and I got some good thinking in and maybe a tan?.... one can dream! Dear Random Blogs, I was so productive today until I started looking at y'all. I really liked this one the best, if any one wants to bake some trail mix energy squares I will eat them!! I also discovered that when I get to a food blog I immediately click on the dessert recipes tab... don't worry it is a completely healthy obsession ;) P.S Pretty sure this person stole my idea about having a dessert only reception!
**Question of the day: What is your favorite thing to do when it is 78 degrees outside? 

My Cousin is Engaged!!! :)

Dear Matt, I loved showing your parents our new favorite restaurant/ hang out tonight! I definitely say we go back, and hear some of that life music :) Dear Brooke, today I ate a honey graham Z Bar and I thought of you. I always dread the days I have to eat a honey graham one. There is nothing better than a good 'ole Brownie Z bar! Okay I am lying there are lots of things better, but you get the point. I just wanted you to know that unlike some people... cough YOU cough HALEY cough.... I rotate my flavors and don't just eat one flavor every day leaving the poor middle sister to be the pantry police, and eat all the old rotted favors! Dear Jordan, congratulations on the engagement!!! I am so excited for y'all, little does Tim know he is going to be joining one crazy and awesome family. I hope he can handle all of us ;) Anyways, it seems like just yesterday we were playing on the sports court, skiing in Steamboat, having our birthday party at Joe's Crab Shack, playing on the Fire Balls soccer team, making fun of Chaley, playing dolls, and pretending to get married on the steps at Aunt Sus's pool. Boy does time fly by! Anyways, I can't wait to help ya plan.... I know a great cake lady already haha. 

Me and my ENGAGED cousin posing at the beach!
He proposed to her in front of the Capital in Washington D.C with a full moon in the background! Such a cute couple! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dear Matt, even though I gave you those girl scout cookies for Valentine's Day it would be awesome if you shared! Just don't plan on me sharing my Selma's in return, the situations are totally different! Dear Brooke, I absolutely love your question/picture a day! If only my blog could get as much action as your facebook posts, I would be one happy camper. You always have to be the best at everything don't cha? 
Dear Dana, thank you for being one of the top followers of my blog, who actually participates!! I owe ya :) But, first I wanted to remind ya of a little something that used to happen when you were little and came over to play with me! We would play baby dolls, barbies, polly pockets, school, and every other game imaginable. It was always so much fun! Only problem was we would make a huge mess, because we would pull out every toy we owned. Actually the mess really wouldn't of been that much of a problem if someone would of done their share of picking up! That someone was YOU ;) hahah. I remember getting so angry at you because you refused to clean up, please tell me you remember this? 
Dear College, you would be so awesome without all the homework and studying! Lately you have taken over my life... please give it back! 
Gotta go do some last minute studying for my history test tomorrow :(
**Question of the day: What was your favorite toy/game as a child?
I loved playing with my sisters! We would play with baby dolls, barbies, and have parades with our bazillion beanie babies. Okay, so the beanie babies really weren't all that fun. We would move them one by one around the house and usually get tired about the time we made it half way up the stairs. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Camping Trip!

Dear Matt, I can't wait to camp out at Gibbons Creek with you next weekend! I am glad you are allowing me to bring more stuff than just what can fit in my backpack for our first adventure, because lets face it the smores stuff would take up my whole bag and then I would have no room for my millions of toiletries ;) But really I am so excited I have camped out for 7 days at PAAVO, this is gonna be nothing. Hiking, cooking, and looking at the stars.... It can't get any better than that! Dear Brooke, I will fill ya in on this camping adventure tomorrow I promise. But, guess what is on the menu for dinner while we are out there.... BRATWURST! I had to google how to spell it, I forgot again!! Anyways, camping is another thing we will add to the list for when y'all return! Dear Sanitary Wipe at the Rec, you are a life savor to a germaphobe like me. I just discovered you yesterday, and I am already in love. I like to use you on every inch of the machine, my phone, my hands, and even my spiral!! (Please don't make fun of me.)
The school week is more than halfway over! Woohoo
Question of the day: Have you ever gone camping before? What was your favorite part?  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What a lovely 75 degree day!

Dear Matt, today we facebook stalked together....can we do this more often? You were cracking me up with your witty comments. P.S Thanks for always making me think about things, especially the stuff you read in all of your books. As much as I pretend not to care, I secretly love it! I feel like I am getting smarter by the second! Dear Brooke, I hope you enjoyed my extra texts today. I tried to throw in some funny ones at the end there. Oh and today I saw a guy laying out by the pool... I think I should do the same in the near future. I gotta prepare for our tanning sessions starting May 20th! I promise to last longer than 15 minutes :) Dear math homework, how am I supposed to study for my history test when I am spending two hours working on you? Thank goodness after this semester I will be done with you forever!!! Well, except for teaching kids 2+2=4... but I think I can handle that! Dear Mommy, thank you for sharing such an inspiring email with me today! This line really stuck out to me, "When I am willing to meet with God daily, I can "run the race" faithfully, and ultimately I will claim my reward." This line works with running as well as life in general!
I gotta get back to studying....
**I challenge YOU to step back and evaluate your life! Make sure it is filled with happiness and not selfishness and anger.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Dear Matt, just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any better, you gave me the most sweetest and nicest card you have ever given me! Thanks for making me feel special, I love you! Dear Brooke, I feel like I let you down on the text updates today so I apologize! Today was great because it was Valentine's Day of course, but rough at the same time. I just figured if I don't share the not so good things going on then they will just all of a sudden disappear! You think that's how it works?? Anyways I miss you tons and America is ready to have you back here, so make it happen! Dear Daddy, thank you for the amazing Valentine's package I got in the mail today! I am officially stocked up on peanut butter and chocolate candy.. which just so happens to be my favorite :) I can't wait to eat my huge Reese's heart, it is almost as big as the World's largest peanut butter cup... almost. One problem... one of the Reese's was addressed to Matt? Don't worry I took care of your mistake and scratched his name out, just kidding he says thanks too! I also can't wait to go to Outback with my gift card! Maybe I will even go on a Monday night and pretend you and Haley are there with me. Anyways thanks so much, your the best dad in the world!
I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentine's Day and ate lots of candy!!
**Question of the day: What did you do for Valentine's Day?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Fortune Cookie says......

Dear Matt, I loved the switch a roo of the fortune cookies at Pei Wei tonight... I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend! Our early celebration of Valentine's Day was perfect, except for the fact that we looked terrible in pictures ;) P.S I better see that duster I got you put to good use! Dear Brooke, I am so sorry I did not purchase the cake balls I saw today! I really just didn't want to make ya jealous! Add making cake balls to our list of things to do when you return! I did buy Matt a vanilla cupcake candle, does that win me any brownie points? Dear Crazy Cousins, until I can decide on my favorite I will address you all as one! Just kidding... I LOVE YOU ALL! Can we have a cousin reunion over Spring Break?! Lets meet at the ranch on the sports court like old days.... maybe even get some Luby's after! P.S I have a confession, I once had my birthday party at Luby's.... It was AMAZING! 
TOMORROW= Monday  Valentine's Day!
** Question of the Day: What was the coolest birthday party you have ever had?
I finally hunted down a girl scout and got Matt some cookies for Valentine's Day! 
M&M's! Also, the cupcake candle is behind me!  
Dinner at Pei Wei! Every time we go Matt and I trade fortune cookies. Tonight he brought one of the cookies that I got made two years ago for him! It was a nice surprise :)
There it is... the famous Selma brownie!
Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You've got MAIL!

Dear Matt, going to downtown Bryan was a blast as usual! I love going into the antique stores filled with junk, someday I will find something amazing that I can't live without! Oh and my Happy Bee sandwich was amazing as always :) Dear Brooke, while I was in Bryan I found baby forks and spoons!! I wanted to buy you one so bad since you are obsessed, but then I saw the price... $75.00!! Sorry but no baby utensil is worth that much. Plus they were used... GROSS!! Dear Granny, today I got not one, but THREE things in the mail from you! Thank you so much for the Pei Wei gift card, tank top, and frame! I also had a nice little surprise for me on my doorstep when I got home... FRUIT OF THE MONTH! This month I got oranges :) If there was an award for World's best Granny, you would get it for sure.
P.S It is finally SUNNY!!
**Question of the day: Do you collect anything, or have you in the past?
Hope it's not beanie babies because those things sure ain't selling at the antique stores!! Can't believe we all bought those things!!

Expensive baby spoons and forks.. must of been Abe Lincolns?

Cara Cara Oranges!

Valentine's package from Granny!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's beginning to look alot like Valentine's Day......

Dear Matt, since you love my singing voice so much, I decided I am going to try out for American Idol!! I know my mom, Brooke, Mitch, and Haley just love when I sing "addoobadeedooo", so I hope you all are there to support me at my tryout ;) Dear Brooke, in The Middle they were making Valentine's Day mailboxes. Remember when Granny helped you make that really awesome one! You used it for years, and then it got passed down to me! Also, they sold sour candy lips at our school, and you could send them to all your friends! I think I remember you sending me one... what a nice sister! Wanna send me more?... I loved those things! Dear Granny, thank you for your daily pep talks on the phone. They truly do help me! Sometimes I need someone to knock some sense in to me, and talk me through my daily struggles. So, thanks for being there for me :) Dear Bicycle Seat, why must you be so small and uncomfortable. I think my butt is getting more sore than my legs... pretty sure that's not supposed to happen! Dear Haley, mommy just called me and told me YOU SCORED A GOAL in your soccer game against Coppell!! Woohoo so proud of you little sister! I hope y'all win!
It's the WEEKEND everybody :)
** Question of the day: What is your favorite Valentine's Day memory?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

World's Largest Peanut Butter Cups!

Dear Matt, thank you for lending me your BIG, WARM coat the past few days. Without it I would turn into a popsicle walking to the REC. I make sure and take it off right when I walk in, and then put it on right before I walk out. I wouldn't want to be "Caught dead in it" as Haley would say, because it kinda swallows me and makes me look like a freak. But really thank you, and could you please get me "The Original Insulated Windfoil Parka" from Eddie Bauer next Christmas ;) Dear Brooke, OMG check this out NOW! Not only is there a Hershey's Chocolate World, but it is in Dubai! Please hop on a plane now and go there. They have the World's largest Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :0 I am pretty sure you can't beat that amount of peanut butter! Dear Kristin, Emerson called me last night! He wants to come to College Station to meet his favorite cousin! I guess you can come too ;) We need to have another photo shoot, but Emerson might make us look bad (See below). Dear Math Test, pretty sure I ate you for lunch, even after I lost two sections of my notes two days before the test! I never loose anything, I don't know how it happened... I think someone stole them! HA 
**Question of the day: What is your favorite type of candy?

Nags Head 2009 Photo shoot with Kristin
Emerson is single FYI

I now know why I was freezing my butt off in New York, and Matt wasn't! You punk ;)

Pretty sure that is what Heaven looks like!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Dear Matt, if I have to hear "Not enough minerals" one more time, I may smack you! Starcraft 2, I strongly dislike you! I would say hate, but my mom tells me that's a harsh thing to say. Dear Brooke, I have a confession to make. Remember when our house flooded, and we had to move everything that was in our rooms into the dining room! Well your bank was in there and I kinda sorta tried every code... BUT it never opened! I tried every single letter and each letter had about three different notches that it could of been. I probably tried 500 different codes... What did you do to that thing and why wouldn't it open?! I am still curious to this day. Dear Pumpkin Butter, you are officially my new obsession! I feel like I could dip anything into you and you would make it taste fantastic! Sometimes I even open your lid just to smell you. Thanks again Judy and Carol for providing me with "pumpkin pie in a jar" :) Dear Mommy, today I got my Valentine's package from you!! Thank you so much, I loved all of its contents especially my new plate to add to my collection! (Every holiday my mom gives me a plastic plate with some kind of design on it that goes along with the holiday... I use these everyday for my sandwich at lunch. I have quite the collection going, I will take a picture soon.)
Hope everyone stayed warm today... This weather is crazyy!
**I challenge YOU to confess something that you have kept a secret for years now.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Be Happy! :)

Dear Matt, have you ever thought about being a chef? I think it may be your true calling; that wild salmon was superb tonight! P.S Can I give you your ValenTIME's present already? Today I almost ruined the surprise for you because I am so excited about it!! Dear Brooke, when I was at the Rec today I had this dream while awake which was weird, but you were pedaling right next to me. It was one of those kind of dreams where you never wanna wake up because if you do it never comes back. Well, guess what I must of snapped out of it real quick because when I looked up you were gone!!! I let out a few tears, then went right back to pedaling. It was very sad. P.S I totally made that up, but wouldn't it be awesome if we could really bike next to each other!? Dear Mommy, I am really missing you and home right now! What are your thoughts about having a visitor, your favorite daughter, on February 25th? We can run errands, watch some TV, eat some good food, and much much more! :)
**Quote of the day: 
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. - Marcus Aureliu.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Guns of Steel

Dear Matt, what a successful day today was! You are officially richer, and you got rid of the bike you used three times ;) Now if only I could convince ya to watch The Bachelor with me, then this day would be remembered as one of the best Mondays of all! Dear Brooke, we are about to start learning how to teach kids how to read in my reading class! He said the best way to learn is to practice with real kids, so would you hurry up and have some kiddos! I will have them reading by age 2! P.S I am sorry mommy for my encouraging words, but I am really dying to be an Aunt! I keep having dreams about it..... :) Dear Muscle Contest, watch out I am coming for that 2011 trophy! I bench pressed 3 sets of 5 of 65lbs. tonight.... just call me muscle woman! Matt ain't got nothing on me, I will be doing 3 sets of 5 of 190lbs. just like him in no time!!
Bachelor is on... Everyone run to your TV!
**I challenge YOU to tell someone what your favorite part of today was!  
Mine was my run and Pei Wei Monday with Matty!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Dear Matt, our party was definitely a huge success! Everything about it turned out perfect.... the decorations, chips, dips, hummus, big dipper pizza, m&m's, cookie cake, and the BIG WIN!! I think my mom is right we need to have a Super Bowl Party every year! Not gonna lie you shocked me with your decorating skills and the pretty display of all our food.... especially that cheese ball! Dear Commercials, you kinda let me down this year... I was not impressed. My thumb almost got stuck in a thumbs down motion during the rating game Matt and I played! Dear Brooke, next year you better be at our party.... with cake balls! ;) We missed you and Mitch, and definitely could of used some more big eaters! Dear Montes, sorry we could not make it to your party, but congrats on winning 1st and 3rd in the Soup Cook Off!  
**Question of the Day: What did you do for the Super Bowl?

After having three cookie cakes in one week, this one was by far the best! Loved the icing!

Pizza Huts Big Dipper Pizza = #1 Best Pizza
Matt was going to surprise me with everything laid out and decorated, but I came to early! Matt cut out the footballs, and I cut out the letters from construction paper! We had tons of chips, hummus, bean dip, guacamole, cheese ball, m&m's, cookie cake, pizza, and beer for Matt! 
This was my Super Bowl outfit hah
PB M&M'S and Peanut M&M'S Packer style!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear Matt, I loved jammin to Mt. Eden Dubstep - Sierra Leone with you, and making the people above you bang on the ground because the bass was so loud! P.S One day left until our big party ;) We are officially stocked up with all the essentials! Dear Brooke, #122 on our list of things to do when you come back is to EAT the world's largest cookie and #123 is to swim in mud. Actually swimming would be gross so how about we just make a huge mud pit (the kind you eat of course) then eat it once we have it in our own individual bowls... You know how I am about germs. 104 days until you return!! I am getting excited just thinking about it... I need my other half! You are the banana to my PB, honey, and banana sandwich, the vinegar to my broccoli, and the dessert to my mouth. Okay, I will stop, this is getting weird.. point is I MISS YOU! Dear God, thank you for giving me the opportunity today to talk to such an inspiring man. Last year every morning on my run I would see this man riding in his "exercise"wheel chair all over College Station pushing it as fast as he could. We would always smile at each other or give a little wave, but never any more than that. Today, when I was biking at the Rec I saw this same man pushing himself along on the indoor track. I watched him do this for about a hour wishing I could talk to him. Finally I got up from the bike and started walking and talking next to him as he finished up his last few cool down laps. He recognized me right when I walked up to him, and he said "It's too cold to be outside today". I agreed with him, and told him exactly why I was stuck on the bike instead of running laps around the track. I was curious as to what actually happened to him so I asked. I am embarrassed to say, but I didn't really understand him. He said something about losing his legs in a Revolution. We talked for quite some time, and he said he does this almost every morning and averages about 8 miles a day! He hopes to even compete in a marathon some day, but has to get a different chair that goes faster for that type of race. It was so inspiring to listen to what he does everyday, and he was willing to talk about his whole story while having a huge smile on his face. It made me really step back and change my attitude about the "problem" I am dealing with right now. This man has gone through so much, and he doesn't let it get in the way of his happiness or goals. I am so happy I brought up the courage to go and talk to him. I think it made both of our days, and I think it was very important that I told him what an inspiration he was to me even before I met him! Dear Judy, today you told me to check my mail.... I feel like it is Christmas Eve! I have to wait all night to see what Santa brought me! I will notify you as soon as that office opens and I get my "present". My sister's mother in-law, father-in law. and brother-in law are definitely the coolest! :)
**I challenge all of you to do something you wouldn't normally do... Life is short.. take a chance! 

Friday, February 4, 2011


Dear Matt, I just wanted to remind you one more time that I made a higher grade than you on our first assignment in our online class... in your face! Oh and thanks for sharing with me that your favorite Disney movie as a kid was Little Mermaid only because you thought Ariel was hot (Sorry I am not a red head). Dear Friday, you were everything I imagined and more. I got absolutely nothing done all day, but I did experiment in the kitchen! I thought I would be healthy and get a squash at the grocery store (I hate squash). I cooked it on the stove with cinnamon, because cinnamon makes everything taste good... except squash apparently :/ Don't worry I washed it down with some chili, wheat thins, and another cookie cake! Matt talked me into it, I tried to say no! ;) Dear Brooke, remember when we used to eat tons and I mean tons of cereal at a time? Well I was looking up cereal eating contests and came across this Cookie Eating Contest! Its February 13th in San Diego, so I will meet ya there... bring your appetite ;) But seriously check the website out... peanut butter overload= heaven! Dear Katherine, just in case you forgot, you ran freakin fast today in your 5k! I am so proud of you "person". Please don't freeze in New York! Dear Miles, mommy sent me a picture of you today and you were looking a little wind blown.. but still so cute. I actually miss you :0 
**Question of the day: What are some healthy and easy vegetable dishes, that will actually taste good?
Hope Everyone had a great SNOW day! Check out the world's tallest SNOWMAN!

Miles thinks it's too cold!!!
Wish I would of got a picture of my squash creation!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Dear Matt, last night I was watching Parenthood that I recorded and you asked me, "Why are you watching the commercials?" I said, "I am watching the Papa John's commercial to make sure it doesn't look better than the Big Dipper Pizza!" You laughed, but you will be thanking me in 3 days when we have the best pizza ever for our SUPER BOWL PARTY! P.S Can we order some chocolate dunkers too? Dear Brooke, today when I swayed away from my usual Freebirds order I thought of you. I'll give you a hint why you popped into my head..... CORN! Dear Kellogg's, your newest invention, Frosted Rainbow Cookie Sandwich Poptart, just might be one of your most brilliant ideas yet! I want to go to Walmart right now to buy more! Dear Mommy, I am getting a little jealous of this snow week y'all are getting! If I was home I would totally help you organize, clean, and stick my hand in the freezing cold pool...... or maybe we could just lounge on the couch and watch good shows and eat your stew instead?? P.S Mr. Weather said he gets a kick out of you cussing the pool out, so the freezing temperatures may stay around a little longer. Dear Hair, I just wanted to tell you that whenever you feel like people are staring at the cinnamon roll style just remember at least it doesn't look as bad as this...... 
;) Meet cute little Matt and his choppy bangs!

 Tomorrow= SCHOOL Lazy Day!!!
 **Question of the day: What is your favorite kind of POPTART? I have several.... Brown Sugar Cinnamon, Pumpkin Pie,  and Chocolate Fudge just to name a few!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I less than 3 you!

Dear Matt, we made it to three years!!! I guess I should actually be saying YOU survived three years with me ;) All I can say is thank you for everything you do for me, I would be lost without you. Falling in love with my best friend is truly amazing.. I love you Matty! Dear insanely cold weather, today you made me look like I was five hundred pounds. I think I was wearing my whole closet and I was still cold! But, if it means Matt does a fashion show wearing all his 1960's running gear then I guess I can manage to deal with you. Dear Nachos, I look forward to you every Wednesday, but tonight something was a bit off..... oh yahh Matt forgot to buy the best salsa in the world! Thank goodness for cookie cake, those nachos tasted very bland. Dear Brooke, you made me really jealous this morning talking about your mud and pumpkin butter! I will be checking my mail daily for some of my own butter. P.S I love how we are connected and always thinking the same thing even when we are miles apart! So go on read my mind right now...... hehehe Dear Montes, please win the soup cook off this weekend! If you send me a picture of this challenge i'll post it. I am sure everyone would love to see it!
**I challenge all my readers to do 10 pushups right now! I did mine, did you?

Under that hood there is a bright blue hat, and his gloves from a Moritz car dealership really made the outfit!

P.S I would love for y'all to leave me a comment and let me know your reading! Or let me know if y'all did the challenge!! Peace... stay warm!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Dear Matt, tonight you surprised me with delicious dinner, flowers, a card with a heart charm in it, and a cookie cake for our three year anniversary which is tomorrow! You made my day, and I am so lucky to have you in my life! I love all the traditions we have together, especially when they consist of desserts :) Dear Haley, today I listened to your music that I put on my ipod. It made me smile because I thought of you, and I found a new favorite song "Set the Fire to the Third Bar". I also loved "Come on Get Higher" and "Come to My Party"... Jk about that last one, it was terrible ha. Believe it or not biking was actually enjoyable with it, or maybe it was the girl "sprinting" around the track that looked like she was going to fall on her face that kept me so entertained? Dear Brooke, this week has been rough, I miss you more than ever. Today I thought of all the things I wanted us to do when you return to the U.S.A, planet burrito and a trip to Austin are two of the most important things on the list! Dear Weather, I think you gave me frost bite on my fingers. I did forget my gloves, but come on at least snow so class can be cancelled! Dear Daddy, today you hiked to the gym in -2 degree weather with windchill just to get your run in, and your key failed you! You have ran at least 3 miles for 760 days straight... I hope you take my advice and run inside to keep the streak going! I think you just might be crazier than Brooke and I ;)
** I challenge all my readers to surprise someone with a gift, baked good, or even a card! It will make that person's day I promise! It worked for me :) 
My surprise dinner!

I love you Matty!

Each holiday Matt gives me a charm to put on my bracelet (We just started this Christmas)
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