
Monday, March 28, 2011

Is it time to hang my spikes up?

I wanted to share with y'all something that truly means a lot to me! I decided to record my blog for today, because I think the message will have more meaning if you can hear my voice rather than just reading what I have to say. I also wanted to use my new recorder. I hope you all enjoy it! :)


Click HERE to get to Charlie Engle's Blog!

Thanks for listening!

Question of the Day: Did you like the audio blog? Should I do more?


  1. I loved the audio blob. Hang in there, your the best. You can do what ever you want.

  2. LOVE the audio blog! I've actually never heard one - but I loved listening to it! Your gift does have a bigger and better purpose! And you'll always compete with yourself (and those stop signs)!

    Keep pounding the pavement girl! :)

  3. I loved the audio blog!! It was really great to hear your voice - almost like you were chatting with me. You inspired me to go out for a walk - it's GORGEOUS here today. While I was walking, I had an idea. Why don't you spend a month or two out here with us this summer - to train at altitude!!! The running trails here are awesome. (Just ignore Brooke if she tries to tell you a snake story - that WASN'T on a running trail!!!)

  4. I love the new audio "BLOB" as well. The New Format is so much easier to read. Could you please teach Brooke how to do this also? Then I would know what was going on in her life, lol!!!

  5. Girl, loved the audio blog. I think a dose of both is great.. whenever you feel you need your actual voice heard... why NOT do audio!

    And I am so with you on the being stubborn thing... When i'm set on an idea.... I'm set.

    I think a dose of competition is great... it gives you drive :)

  6. @ Papa: Thank you papa, glad you liked it! :)

    @ Stefanie: I am so glad you liked it. I got my new recorder a few weeks ago, so I just had to try out an audio blog.

    @ Judy: I am glad you liked it, and way to go on the walk! I would LOVE to come to visit y'all!! Brooke has told me great things about the trails don't worry ha, and how awesome the food is! I think I should definitely come with Brooke and Mitch this summer!! :)

    @ Uncle Darin: hahaha I laughed at that too, esp. since he called me out on my grammar mistake the other day ;) Next time I will add pictures for you too.... every kindergarten loves pictures haha

    @ Dana: I am glad you approve! I am still waiting for your blog.... it better be up the first day of summer! Once its up we can do "guest" posts for each other haha. Hopefully you have seen those on other blogs before.

  7. I loved the audio blog but written is still my favorite. I really loved the message though--and yes your stubborn personality is a gift sometimes for sure. Now the key is to know when it is a positive and utilize it! And when it is a negative--nip it in the bud! I must say you are growing everyday in fuguring these out. This makes me very proud!!!

  8. Mommy: You like the written ones better? I am shocked! Oh and I thought that saying was always nip it in the butt?? I guess I have been saying it wrong all my life...

  9. Tara I guess I've been saying it wrong too haha! And I can't listen to the audio on my phone :( so I have to say I'm a fan of written as well though by the sounds the audio is very nice. Your blogs are always a daily uplift that's for sure- Chaley

  10. I also thought it was "nip it in the butt!" I like saying it that way better! I'm with mommy it was a very nice message and I def agree your stubborn personality has lead you to many of your successes! You will always be a competitive person in whatever u put your mind to... One of your best qualities! Also I so have raced stop signs before... And light poles...and's quite fun ha! I liked the audio... But I def like written way better! Not gonna lie the audio was kind of wasn't your normal voice it was too serious for u! That's not how u talk for reals! I like your skype voice better! :-)

  11. @ Chaley: I think our way sounds better anyways hah. I am glad they are always a daily uplift :) and don't worry I wont do too many audio ones!!

    @ Brooke: thats funny! Remember that other saying that I always said wrong I forget it now, but it was something mommy said. Dang I am shocked I thought y;all would love the audio!! What a let down ha. But I see what your saying! Can't wait to race stop signs with ya when you get home!!!

  12. You use to say "hot to mommy"... Instead of "hot tamale"! And you would say "I'm to sixty for my cat" instead of "I'm to sexy for my cat" haha... u have had many! I can't remember them all! Yay can't wait to race some stop signs on the lovely loop! :-)

  13. Hay thats not right to make fun of my spelling. I know how to spell "BLOG". And I know when to say nip it in the "BUD" or in the "BUTT". My spelling is bad but sometime it is wrong just because I didn't read it before I send it. On this one I spelled the (tht) and saw it when I went back to read it. Sure glad I caught it.

  14. Very inspiring. It was good to hear your voice, but agree with your mom. There's something special about reading the words that flow from your heart and mind into your pen (or in this case, your keyboard). Another thing that I think is more's just the fact that your sharing these thoughts. Look at the dialogue that you create between yourself and your family in which everyone can participate while your at school. That's priceless!

  15. @ Papa: We are only joking.... I know what your saying. I always press send and then notice 10 things I spelt wrong on ACCIDENT hah. BTW its "hey" not "hay" hahahah just kidding :)

    @ Nancy: Thank you very much! It is a lot of fun to get comments thats for sure! I guess I should of included the words too.... alot of people seem to like reading it better!!

  16. Here's another thought - while I enjoyed hearing your voice, the audio clip doesn't show up on my iPad, so I couldn't listen to it from there. And I thought about what your Mom said and I think I do like reading the text (but do another audio sometime so we can hear your voice again!). btw, I'm VERY impressed with your technical skills - the blog itself, pictures, inserting links, inserting audio!!! Way to go! I'm also impressed with how well you know yourself. I'm pretty sure I didn't have such deep thoughts when I was your age - maybe the time you have with yourself while you're running is part of that - whatever it is - you make me proud to know you and your family!!!!

  17. I need one of those audio things so I don't have to worry about my spilling. And BWT when I say "hay" I mean "hay" not "hey". Someone needs to give you something to make fun of.

  18. I need to explain to you why the saying is "nip it in the bud". For all of you that don't know when you "nep it in the bud" of a plant it will make it stop growing. Now does that make since or is it sense. lol

    Now tell me how many of you knew that?

  19. @ Judy: Oh no, thats weird it wont work on your ipad! I will do another audio sometime, but it seems like everyone enjoys reading over listening! I am shocked actually hah. I am glad you are impressed with my tech. skills... lets just say I didn't get them from my mom haha jk! But, there are still a few things I have to figure out like these dang comments!! Oh and running definitely has a lot to do with it. When you run by yourself you get bored, so you just start thinking about random stuff ha.

    @ Papa: I could correct so many things in your first comment, but this joke is getting old so I will stop ;) I actually did know that, and the saying totally makes sense, but all 20 years of my life I thought everyone was saying butt not bud! ha

  20. Tara I loved the audio post! Well I guess what I really liked was what you said...It was so deep but so meaningful! You know yourself well, your strengths and weaknesses, and that is so important. But I agree it doesn't sound like you at all ha! But just know that I am so proud of you Tary! You have grown so much since I have known you and it has been really neat to see it all unfold! Keep it up!!! :-)

  21. @ Kirsten: Thank you... I am glad you liked the message!! My mom said she would of rather read it though because this wasn't my real voice haha.


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