It's that day of the week again.... Yogurtland Friday!
I think this may be one of my favorite tradition's yet ; )
I know it looks like I just recycle the same picture week after week, but I promise I don't! I just can't stray away from my usual creation. I think I get more toppings than yogurt, but my theory is that since it's yogurt I need to make it equal to the fat content of regular ice cream, so I pile on the toppings. Hey, it's my theory and I'm sticking to it...
Yes, Yogurtland... You rule.
Now, let me let you in on a little secret of mine.... Ice cream makes everything better! When I am in a bad mood, ice cream always cheers me up. Just for the record, I am not in a bad mood... I mean hello it's Friday! How could anyone be in a bad mood? But, I'm telling ya my closest friends and family know that to get me in a good mood all they have to do is get me some ice cream. I may regret saying this, but if you ever want to bribe me... I suggest you start with bringing me some ice cream. So, if your having a bad day or just can't think of anything better to do... GO GET ICE CREAM!
I also wanted to ask y'all a question...
Today I did yoga, which I usually do every Friday.... but today it was extra boringgg! I don't know why, but I am just not a yoga person. When they say to relax and turn off my mind, I do the complete opposite! Today I even walked over to my desk and wrote two things in my agenda that I needed to do this weekend (I wish I was joking, but I am not). I also tend to do all the moves as quickly as possible, and fast forward all of the sitting down stretching parts.... I am pretty sure I am missing the whole point of yoga, but for some reason just going through the motions at record speed still makes me feel like I accomplished something. I mean I did put a YOGA dvd into my T.V, and I did do some weird looking things on my yoga mat.... So, I must have accomplished something right?
Oh yah, so my question to you is....
How do you make yoga not boring?? Also, do you believe it is important to incorporate yoga into your weekly workout schedule?
Have a good weekend everybody :)