Sunday, November 28, 2010
I know I am HOME when......
2. An aroma of my mommy's banana bread fills the entire house
3. There is poop camouflaged on the rug in the hallway... (This is Miles's way of saying Welcome Home)
4. There is fake hair scattered on the bathroom counter
5. I spend all day shopping with granny
6. I watch all my weekly shows at midnight with my mom, and five minutes into them we are both fast asleep
7. I get my reeses mix in from Braums with my dad
8. I get caught by the fashion police and have to change my clothes
9. I hear the same song playing over and over throughout the entire house
10. I am ordered to go outside and pick up every leaf... which is impossible!
11. There is a dance off in the middle of the living room
12. I eat entirely too much delicious food
13. My clothes that I wore a hour ago appear in my room folded and washed
14. I can run with my eyes closed, because I have memorized my favorite loop
15. I constantly have a smile on my face
16. I actually sleep in because trundie is the best bed ever
17. There is never a dull moment, and I am constantly doing something
18. I am always two steps behind my mom
19. Brooke laughs at everything I say.... Oh wait this one never happened!!! I missed you Brooke, home wasn't the same without you!
There truly is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! I can't wait to be home again in 17 days :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Just say Thanks!
Since I have been in college Thanksgiving has hands down become my second favorite holiday, first being Christmas. There is absolutely nothing better than getting a break from school, seeing your family, and of course eating sweet potato bars (my all time favorite dessert.) Even though the break is so short, I look forward to it every year.
I would argue with anyone, and say that my family is by far the best one out there! When we all gather up for the holidays it is always filled with funny jokes, good food, and then a whole lot of regret after all the desserts are gone! Even after eating a whole pumpkin pie, I seriously think I get an ab workout after spending time with everyone because I laugh so much. I have such good memories from our holiday gatherings, that when I just think about making even more in 3 days it brings a smile to my face. To me that is what Thanksgiving is all about.
This year will be the first year in my life that I have not spent Thanksgiving with my older sister, Brooke. It kinda upsets me that she is not going to be there to help me cook and then eat it all afterwards... hah just kidding Brooke it upsets me for more reasons than just those! It will be weird not to have one of the main people that I want to say "thanks" to this year not there. So, I am going to go ahead and say it now. Thank you Brooke for being one of the best sisters in the world! You help me each and everyday, sometimes I do not even have to talk to you I can just think of you, and it always motivates me to want to do bigger and better things with my life. You are an inspiration to us all, and we are all proud of you for making so many adjustments half way across the world. I wish you could be with all of us for Thanksgiving, but maybe we can skype with you at the table haha.
Anyways, I absolutely can not wait to be home with the rest of my family! I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and do not forget to say thanks to all the people that make your life special.
P.S The blog might be a little inactive for a few days, but I am home spending time with my family.... way to busy :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I want to share my view of death, and maybe it can help everyone who has lost a loved one. "Death" is really just a word to me, I try not to look at it as a terrible thing. It is simply another stage of one's life. First you are born, then you learn how to talk, you go to school, college, get married, have kids, and then go to this magical place where you can look down on all the people's life's that you touched. To me that is what life is all about. We are all here to help each other, and each and every day we try to leave a positive impression on at least one person's life.
Life is not supposed to be hard or a terrible thing. You are supposed to live your life to the fullest and its supposed to be fun. This can be hard to do at times. I think we all have had those days where we were either stressed or thought that every bad thing that could possibly happen all happened on one day. When that happens you just have to step back and find one positive about the day, this will turn the day around in an instant.
I noticed lately in my life that there is no point in having a bad day. When I am stressed and angry, nothing ever good happens. But, when my life is filled with happiness and love, I find that good things happen to me when I least expect them. That being said, this is still something I am definitely working on. You do not just wake up one morning and decide to be Ms. Positive ha. But, its a work in progress. In the back of my mind I just tell myself, what's the point in getting stressed? It only makes the day worse, and it just makes the smallest things seem like huge traumatic problems.
Anyways, the point of this is to remind every one of you that you never want to waste a day. Live you life to the fullest, and try to avoid stress and anger as much as possible. Also, tell the people that you love how much you love them. It sounds so simple, but those three little words can mean the world to someone.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Best Friends
I remember the first night I met him I knew instantly I wanted to get to know him better. I thought he was hilarious and for sure the cutest guy I had ever seen. Of course I thought he was way out of my league, but there was no harm in trying right? ha Matt and I have now known each other for five years, and as cheesy as it may sound he is definitely one of the best gifts I have ever been given.
Matt knows me better than anyone in the world, besides my mom probably. I think one of the first things my mom said to Matt after we started dating was, "Good Luck." hah It did not take him long to figure out what she meant... I'll be honest I can be a little demanding and quite a handful at times. My mom was used to me, but I don't think she ever thought I would find someone to put up with me. The crazy thing is Matt is really good with me. I needed someone that would put me in my place, but at the same time let me think I was the one in charge.
One of my favorite things about Matt is that he is always there to make laugh or help me out when I am having a bad day. His newest thing is to have dinner on the table everyday when I get out of class. I have to admit I am becoming a bit spoiled. He cooks all of my favorites from salmon, to nachos, to pumpkin pancakes. He is quite the chef! Everyone makes fun of us because we have a weekly dinner schedule... I think they are just jealous ;)
It is really crazy how alike we are. We can both be major home bodies some days, but then we also love to go and hang out with our friends on other days. I always say that one of us needs to be a little more social, but really I love the way we are. Some of my favorite memories are when Matt and I are just goofing around at home. Sometimes I wish people could see some of the things he does, he is seriously one of the funniest people you will ever meet.
Anyways as you can see Matt is pretty amazing! I could go on and on about him, but I won't bore y'all. I just had to have a post about my Best Friend. I am so lucky to have him, and I definitely couldn't make it through the day without him. Everyday is a new adventure with him, and I love how I can be my nerdy self around him. Best Friends seriously make life a whole lot easier and way more fun! :)
I love you matty! :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Embrace the Good :)
We competed in the Regional cross country meet this morning in Waco. Both teams finished in 5th place, and each one of us will have memories of this day forever. My coach used to say, "Whether the outcome was good or bad, I promise you that you will only remember the positive things about this day and not what place or time you ran." This is a great way to look at it because at the end of the day it honestly does not matter what place or time you got, it just comes down to whether it was fun or not.
I think the thing that people sometimes forget about cross country is that it is so much of a team sport. During the race you recall all the hard work, miles, and pain that happened during the whole season, and every one of those things happened next to a teammate. There is never a point in the race where you feel like you are running alone, you know you have your teammates all around you to back you up if you need it or pick you up and carry you along.
Throughout my running career I have definitely had some ups and downs. To be honest lately I was thinking there was no such thing as an up. But, today I realized that is what this sport is all about. If every race was easy we would probably get bored with it, or stop working hard. Sometimes it takes a couple bad races to bring a couple of good, and then the cycle will start all over again, but that is what keeps us on our toes. I know one of my teammates in particular did not have her best race, but she has no idea how much she contributed to mine! Sometime I hope to return the favor to her, because that is truly what this sport is all about.
So, I really wanted to just thank everyone that has been by my side through my running career, y'all are amazing! Also I really don't believe in "signs", but I must say I am taking this day as a "sign" that my decision to run track was a great one! Not just because of running reasons, but there truly is nothing better than having a huge support system, and I got to have all of them with me today at the race! Except for my biggest fan, Brooke and a few others of course. But, Brooke all I have to say is I think I finally lived up to the "Brooke Upshaw's little sister" standard!! :) love ya and miss ya
Friday, November 12, 2010
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Back on TRACK!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our Life's are filled of germs....
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ice Cream!
Little Sisters always cheat!
The Rules
Am I going the right way?
I think having this blog is making me think about a lot of things, and wonder how does anyone know if the choices that they make each day are actually the right ones or the best ones. What exactly is considered right anyways? Doing something you absolutely do not want to do, but you know deep inside it’s the “right” thing to do or doing only the things you want to do. I guess the second option is considered a selfish decision in many peoples eyes.
Let me let you in on a little secret, selfish is a word I am very familiar with. In my family that is like the worst name you can be called, so lets just say it was not a good thing I heard the word selfish directed at me so many times hah. I think I always thought things would turn out better for everyone if everyone just did what they wanted to do all the time. To me it made perfect sense, if everyone just made themselves happy then our world would be one happy place…. WRONG! Coming to college has made me realize relationships and friends are what get you through the hard times, it is impossible to make it through the day without the help from anyone. A support system is key to making it through this “Game of Life”.
I remember my first week at college, and let me tell ya it was rough! I think on my daily phone calls to my mom I did more crying than talking. I think I took advantage of exactly how much my mom did for me when I lived at home, so when I got to college there was entirely to much to do and it became very stressful. There was no more walking in the door after school and having my mom’s delicious meals sitting on the table for me at 5 o’clock sharp ha. I also quickly figured out that clothes just don’t magically get clean…. jk but my first load of laundry that I ever did alone was at college.. so you get the point I was lost without my mommy! But it wasn’t just the cooking, cleaning, and running errands part that I missed, I missed having her with me everyday.
My mom is one of the most amazing people you will every meet, she always puts others before herself and I think that is why she drilled the selfish thing into my head so much. They always say, “mothers know best!”. I think that is one of the most accurate sayings ever. In my eyes my mom is the smartest person in the world, even though she might not necessarily know the “right way” or “right choice” she always tells me what she thinks is right.
So, I think I found my answer, no one knows what the “right” way is. What’s important is to do things for others, but at the same time enjoy what your doing. Living a life filled of sadness and anger is not good for anyone. I think if you go to sleep happy every night and thankful for something then you chose the “right way”.
This post is a bit random, but I just have been wondering lately if I am doing the right thing and how I know if my life is headed in the right direction. I think this is something many of us wonder everyday, but we all just have to know that the real answer is there is no WRONG way. So, I am challenging myself to throw away the nickname “Selfish” hah, and start thinking W.W.M.D (what would mommy do)… If i do this I know for sure I will always choose the right path!

Perfect… Another thing to distract me from studying
Hey Guys,
I don’t know why, but it seems kind of fun to document my life through a journal? I used to write in a diary when I was little, so why not join the 21st century through yet another technology device and write it on here. Too bad for the few that will actually take time to read this, I will leave out a lot of interesting details in my life that are only meant to be told to a select few. As most of you know my sister got married this summer to one of the funniest and smartest guys you will ever meet. Their wedding was one of the best days of my life, maybe just because they had a really amazing cake?? haha Jk. But, in all seriousness, It was a blast and so pretty… except for my maid of honor toast ;) My fear of public speaking will be a post in itself saved for a later time. Anyways back to the point, Brooke’s wedding was amazing and sad all at the same time. I knew in the back of my mind, Brooke and Mitch would be leaving me to go across the country to Qatar in a matter of months. I am sure if you are reading this you already know, Brooke is seriously my role model, best friend, and hero all rolled up in one human being. She is amazing, and I don’t think she even knows what a gift she is to me. I miss her and Mitch everyday, and I try my hardest to keep her updated on my life, but it will be amazing when she finally comes back! So with that being said I am mainly making this thing for her to read, but I hope I pick up some other followers along the way. I really do have a passion for writing, only problem is my spelling and writing in general stinks! Someday I want to write a book about my life, So far it has been an amazing life and I feel like this book would be filled with love, laughter, and of course drama. What can I say my family is crazy, but I love all of them so much! :) Once this book is written I am going to hire a really good editor and then I am golden and will make millions… haha I can dream right? So if you are one of those people who can’t stand reading run on sentences, miss spelled words, and something that makes no sense at all, DO NOT READ THIS! Well I really do have to study, so later I will actually figure this site out and entertain yall with more of my life! Peace